Friday, July 15, 2005

Presidential rankings

I am quite interested in presidential rakings. After Ronald Reagan died there was a big push by the Right-Wing-Moon-Bats to put him on the $10 bill instead of Alexander Hamilton. That was a ludicrous plan since RR only ranks THIRD in 20th Century Republican presidents.

I think everyone will agree on the top three: Lincoln, FDR, Washington (my order).

It is interesting to note that when John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln on 14 April 1865 he jumped onto the stage and said "Sic Semper Tyrranis" (Thus to all tyrants). When Timothy McVeigh was arrested he had on a t-shirt with a portrait of Lincoln and that saying underneath.

After that photo was publish, Southern Partisan magazine quickly sold out of those shirts. A couple years later Sen John Ashcroft (MO) had an exclussive interview with Southern Partisan talking about how Lee, Davis, and Jackson were all "Southern Patriots." Then, our current president made him the most powerful law enforcement offical in the land.

I digress. Who's your favorite president?


Anonymous said...

Let’s start with the 20th century:

Teddy Roosevelt: because of his move towards free markets (“trust busting”) and the assumption of the USA’s place in the world as a significant player on the geo-political stage (e.g. the Great White Fleet, the Canal).

FDR: because he fought the isolationists and joined with Churchill to defeat the German and Japanese totalitarians.

Reagan: because he defeated the Russian communists through a combination of American technological superiority, American wealth, and cutting Russian access to hard currency (through low priced Saudi oil).

Some readers of this blog may have been to eastern Europe and met people who lived under both systems, Freedom of speech, assembly, religion, RKBA, and property trump poverty and suppression every time – especially when you get iPods, Big Macs, and Levis in the bargain.

Where else do poor people drive their own cars, and the longest lines they endure are at the supermarkets?

Granted, the system has imperfections in its implementation, for instance, say you owned some waterfront property that a connected developer wanted to convert to condos and corporate offices …

Anonymous said...

Let’s start with the 20th century:

Teddy Roosevelt: because of his move towards free markets (“trust busting”) and the assumption of the USA’s place in the world as a significant player on the geo-political stage (e.g. the Great White Fleet, the Canal).

FDR: because he fought the isolationists and joined with Churchill to defeat the German and Japanese totalitarians.

Reagan: because he defeated the Russian communists through a combination of American technological superiority, American wealth, and cutting Russian access to hard currency (through low priced Saudi oil).

Some readers of this blog may have been to eastern Europe and met people who lived under both systems, Freedom of speech, assembly, religion, RKBA, and property trump poverty and suppression every time – especially when you get iPods, Big Macs, and Levis in the bargain.

Where else do poor people drive their own cars, and the longest lines they endure are at the supermarkets?

Granted, the system has imperfections in its implementation, for instance, say you owned some waterfront property that a connected developer wanted to convert to condos and corporate offices …