Saturday, September 02, 2006

Abbie IV and Roger Williams

My stellar niece, Abbie Popa, is now a student at Brown University. (She has a sushi bar in her dorm!)

My sister and brother-in-law, Mel & Frank,brought her there this week: see it here. While there they snapped this photo of a monument to Roger Williams, one of my personal heroes.

Williams and his role in inculcating Freedom of Religion in American society are discussed at length in the excellent book The Godless Constitution by Kramnick & Moore.

An excellent article on the same topic by Brooke Allen can be found here.


EHS Director said...

Just a hint... link to

And your blog readers can see the book for free.
But make sure they ONLY "see" it, because if they "read" it will break copyrights?


Matthew Piette said...

Great idea. It's done.